About us

Hancock County Right to Life Inc. (HCRTL) is a 501(c)(3) organization located in Findlay. We began in 1985 to serve groups and individuals who are entitled to the most basic right…the right to life.

The main goal of Hancock County Right to Life is to reinstate legal protection to innocent human life. Although abortion has been at the forefront of our work, we believe we also must secure the right to life for the elderly and the infirm.

Our mission is to promote and defend the right to life of all innocent human beings, from the time of fertilization until natural death.”

Hancock County Right to Life believes in using education and advocacy to encourage respect for human life and human dignity. We are committed to working through legal, peaceful means to effect change in state and federal legislation.

How We Operate

We are governed by a board of directors made up of residents from across Hancock County in Ohio. HCRTL shares the belief that every individual deserves protection and the innate right to life.

HCRTL coordinates educational activities and supports appropriate political, legal, and legislative efforts. We provide educational materials on fetal development, abortion, abortion alternatives such as adoption and parenting, and the pro-life movement.